REmember…your wonders of old…

psalm-77_11-13Yes, I will REmember your wonders of old…

Yes, I will…

Affirmation of the first line of this Psalm…

Your wonders of old…

How many times had God appeared to His people…the children of Israel…and performed miracles…

Leading them from one place to another…feeding them in the middle of the desert…saving them from sure death over and over…giving them victory over their enemies…

Yet teaching them of His Laws…setting them apart as a holy and chosen nation…rebuking them when they strayed…

Loving them…showing them grace…and mercy…over…and over…

As the Psalmist REmembered the wonders of old…the encounters of his ancestors with Yahweh…both good and not so good…he is encouraged…he begins to trust God again…he is comforted in God’s faithfulness…and His goodness…

In Exodus 13:3, Moses told the children of Israel as he led them out of the land of Egypt to “Remember this day in which you came out from Egypt, out of the house of slavery, for by a strong hand the LORD brought you out from this place.”

“Your wonders of old”…

Throughout the Old Testament “REmember” is used 117 times…in various ways…remember who God is_thumb[6]

That’s a lot of REmembering, I’d say…

But, why is it that we need to be reminded to REmember?

And, why is it so easy to forget Who God is?

…What He has done?

…What He has promised to do?

I know for myself, that it may be as simple as a lack of faith…

And I guess that’s where I need to change…

And start to REmember God’s deeds…the wonders of old…

His times of provision…times of leading…and guiding…times of victory…times of teaching…and times of rebuke…

So I too am encouraged…trusting God…comforted in His faithfulness…and His goodness…and His love…

I-rememberSo I can move forward…


I will REmember…

How about you…

What are your “wonders of old” that you need to REmember?

Living With Eyz2God,


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